Tuesday, 19 May 2015

URA lists, shames 230 tax defaulters

Kampala- Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has exposed 230 companies and individuals who have perpetually defaulted on their tax obligations.

In a statement issued yesterday by - containing the list of tax defaulters, described by URA as name and shame list - the tax body warned that within seven days, the 230 companies and individuals will be dragged to courts of law if they do not clear their outstanding tax arrears.
“The list contains 230 defaulting clients with a corresponding total liability of more than Shs60 billion who, despite URA’s reminders to pay their outstanding tax arrears were not responsive,” the statement reads in part.

According to URA’s manager debt collection, Mr Abdu Salaam Waiswa, clients on the shame list are the difficult, untraceable and uncooperative ones who have ignored URA’s calls to settle their obligations over time and have instead closed their businesses, changed names or even shifted business locations.

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