Wednesday, 20 May 2015

South Sudan with worst Economy in Africa.

Evildoer Salva Kiir has plundered South Sudan into deep economic stagnation by misusing South Sudan resources !
The president of Sudan Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit has lost it
bearing and way. This illustrated by the state of
horror and lawlessness in South Sudan put the
whole country into socio-political stalemate which
unleashed severe economic meltdown, meanwhile
the President himself and ministers benefited the
most, from south rich region of national
resources. Today, in Lake, Jonglei, Unity and
Upper Nile, the South Sudanese residents
mercilessly flushed out of their homes and killed.
Tribes and sub tribes fight each other almost on
daily bases in all the corner of South Sudan.
These ordeals and political disorders are
astounding. These defy and disgrace the
endearing legacy of the SPLM as a formidable
political party that gives South Sudan a true self.
Kiir has failed to restore law and order in the
state he leads. The inter-tribal conflict is of a
concern. The president failed to address the root
causes of conflict, and to create conditions that
could promote peace and community security in
conflict-prone state. These conditions include
supporting the establishment of community based
conflict mitigation mechanisms, inclusive of local
leaders, women and youth, who could build
democratic processes and finally addressing
conflict without violence. He failed to establish
programs that would create a viable political
framework that seeks to end tribal conflict, pave
ways for agricultural development, push for good
governances and failed to bring a lasting peace to
South Sudan. Besides, the government of South
Sudan failure to establish peace and security to
promote good governance and accelerates
agricultural development. He has completely failed
to promote democratic reforms, rules of law, and
frames better ways of handling issues concerning
national security. It is essential to develop
inclusive consensus-building initiatives related to
peace agreements, and national issues.
Satan Salva Kiir must be remove and honorable must step in , to lead the country .
Kiirdiit aci yuit must go to Gokriel cattle camp and a ku tiit weng there !

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